Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Many months of catching up!

Hey everyone. Sorry for the delay in postings. I really need to get a new computer at home. Well let's see what has happened since May.

We had a great summer. At the end of may we went to Florida with my whole family. We had a blast and the girls loved the beach and the ocean. The ask everyday when we get to go back. It was pretty laid back and everyone got along so well. Great way to start the summer.

At the end of June we made our summer trip to Lena to visit some awesome friends. As usual it was a great time. Looking forward to next year.

In July we welcomed our nephew Jack Michael. Mike and I are proud godparents of this little guy. He is so cute and his big sister loves him very much.

Aug was not so great for me. Both girls started school. Little sad that my baby is now in school. Mike went on his canoe trip and came back with a pretty nasty gash on his foot that really needed about 10 stitches. That next week I got bit by a spider and it turned into a very nasty painful infection. I was admitted to the hospital for a week but am doing well now. That same week my grandpa passed away and I had to miss the funeral due to being in the hospital. We have gotten through all that and hopefully on to a normal routine again.
Sept. has been calm. The girls are loving school and doing well. Alli started gymnastics and loves it. She is learning very quickly and we are so proud of her. She is still riding horses and is still very obsessed with them. Brooke is growing like a weed. She is really becoming her own little person. She certainly has a temper when things don't go her way. She still love babies so much and now has become fascinated with frogs and dinosaurs.
Well, Oct is busy. we are starting out with the fall festival so we are excited for that.
I hope everyone had a great summer.

Monday, May 3, 2010


Well it has been a jam packed month. I finally have some pictures to post of Brooke's birthday.

The girls had a big Easter. Lots of eggs and Candy. It was a busy weekend. Good Friday was Mike's sister's birthday and His cousin Averi's 4th birthday party. Saturday was Averi and Abi's Baptism. Mike is Averi's Godfather. Then we had church and two families to visit on Easter Sunday. Needless to say the girls were wore out Monday.

We had the Guns and Hoses Charity fight this month as well. The firefighters won again this year but the Police officers put up a good fight. The event raised $75,000 for charity. It was a blast.

The next weekend we finally refinished our floors. I am so happy with the way they turned out. Everyone did a really great job.
Alli is still taking her riding lessons and loving it. She is also doing very well in school. Brooke is getting more and more of her own personality everyday. They are very excited for our trip to Floriday at the end of May. As Brooke says "Is is time to go to the lotion yet?" We haven't really figured out why she can't say ocean but it is pretty cute.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring is here

Wow I didn't realize how long it has been since my last post. The day after my last post I ended up becoming a victim of the economy cut backs and lost my job. I am currently at home with my girls and loving every minute of it.
Alli is still taking riding lessons and doing fantastic. I will post more pictures when i get them downloaded. She just had spring break and is finishing up her school year.
Miss Brooke just had her 3rd birthday March 21st. We had a beautiful day for her party and she had a blast. Her ladybug party was a hit.
Mike and I are doing great. He has been very busy the past few weeks. They had a major bust last week. Almost 1100 lbs of marijuana!! Pretty impressive. He also went fishing with his dad a brother and caught some pretty nice fish. I am sure most of you have already seen the pictures.
Getting ready to do some work on the house in the next week. Carpet is coming out and Hardwood floors are going to be refinished. Very excited about this.
Getting ready for a beautiful Easter weekend. Hope everyone has a great holiday.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Happy New Year

Hello everyone,

Sorry it has been a little bit since my last post. I hope everyone had a great NewYear's and it has started out with a bang. We had a great time hangin out with family and friends.

We had a little bit of snow for the kids to play in this month. It was cold but they loved it.

Brooke also got to meet her new cousin for the first time. She had a nasty cold when Ellie was born so she had to wait. Of course she didn't want to put her down or leave her side once she was there.
Alli was able to take her first riding lesson this past week and she did awesome. She was really a big girl even though she looks so small up there. She loved it and wants to go back everyday.
All in all the new year is treating us well.