Monday, May 18, 2009

Mother's Day

I am hoping that everyone had a tremendous Mother's Day! I know I did. My girls (and daddy of course) made me breakfast on Saturday instead of Sunday. It was very yummy. Sunday I took the girls to church while Mike stayed home and packed. He had to leave for Nashville that afternoon for SkyNarc School. We spent part of the day with Mike's mom and then went to my mom's. Having everyone together made the day so special. I hated that Mike had to leave and miss out on the fun but he got to see everyone for a little bit at least. I cherish everyday with my girls, my mom, and all the other mother's that are so important in my life. I was kind of sad that night looking back at pictures and seeing just how fast my babies are growing up.

I hope everyone didn't float away during the rain storms we have had. I think total our basement probably took on a couple inches of water at one point. It was a mess and with Mike out of town it was all on me. It didn't take too long to get everything back in order but it certainly wasn't what I had planned.

Brooke continues to get better. She is finally getting rid of the bladder infection that was making her feel so terrible. I am hoping that getting a big girl room will make her feel even better. I am hoping in the next couple of weeks to be able to paint and start putting her Ladybug room together. I am so excited and think it is going to be so cute. I will post pictures when it is finished.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Warm Weather

Well, I can say there is not too much to report right now. We are slowly getting back to a normal routine with semi-healthy kiddos. Knock on wood it will continue to be that way through the summer. We have been enjoying the warmer weather.
We had a wonderful Easter and we are getting ready for a special birthday this month. My niece Amelia turns one at the end of May.
Mike and I are going away for a short vacation with some friends in June. We are going up north to visit friends that I have not met yet. I am very excited.

I will post new pictures soon. Hope everyone is well.