Monday, May 3, 2010


Well it has been a jam packed month. I finally have some pictures to post of Brooke's birthday.

The girls had a big Easter. Lots of eggs and Candy. It was a busy weekend. Good Friday was Mike's sister's birthday and His cousin Averi's 4th birthday party. Saturday was Averi and Abi's Baptism. Mike is Averi's Godfather. Then we had church and two families to visit on Easter Sunday. Needless to say the girls were wore out Monday.

We had the Guns and Hoses Charity fight this month as well. The firefighters won again this year but the Police officers put up a good fight. The event raised $75,000 for charity. It was a blast.

The next weekend we finally refinished our floors. I am so happy with the way they turned out. Everyone did a really great job.
Alli is still taking her riding lessons and loving it. She is also doing very well in school. Brooke is getting more and more of her own personality everyday. They are very excited for our trip to Floriday at the end of May. As Brooke says "Is is time to go to the lotion yet?" We haven't really figured out why she can't say ocean but it is pretty cute.